Monday, April 13
11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Room E353a
Two case studies will explore initiatives to mobilize provider communications, with one project leveraging resources and capabilities from within in the hospital and the other calling upon outside expertise. A moderated discussion will follow about the outcomes as well as the pros, cons and lessons learned in each approach.
Part A: (Clinical) Intell Inside – A Penn Medicine hospitalist, resident and IS team member set out to improve workflow, interdisciplinary care and communication. Learn how they created this successful tool from start to finish, from the physician lead of the project.
Part B: Bringing in the Experts – Koronis contends that EMRs fail at enabling typical modes of care team communication and collaboration and will share cases demonstrating positive provider perceptions of communication and workflow efficiency related to a clinical social network designed to facilitate care team communications. The presenter will also discuss an extended, ongoing study assessing quantitative measurements of patient satisfaction (HCAHPS), hospital length of stay and medical errors achieved with the social platform.
Part C: Discussion – In moderated discussion, the presenters will talk about lessons learned in designing and implementing their solutions, share advice on collaborating in a clinical environment, and offer thoughts on what they would do differently as well as successes that can be replicated in future projects.

Subha Airan-Javia, MD
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania